What is an Environmental Clerk of Works?
It is often necessary to appoint an Environmental Clerk of Works (ECoW) during construction phases of a project or to oversee sensitive area clearances. The requirement for an ECoW presence during works may also be a requirement of planning condition for a development from the local planning authority which will define if it is in an advisory capacity, an audit capacity, for ecological work only or an all-encompassing environmental role. The ECoW ensures compliance with method statements and management plans, and is your environmental ‘eyes and ears’ on site, there to give you advice and support on all environmental matters.
When do I need to get in touch?
If you require site inspections and monitoring, watching briefs, checking surveys, nest checks or any other type of ecological input on your site, no matter the scale of work simply get in touch with us.
What we EcoÉireann do:
We can advise you and your construction personnel on protected species and outlining ecological and/or environmental method statements to ensure compliance. Our team are Safe Pass qualified and highly experienced and can provide on-site advice and undertake practical mitigation work.
Services include:
• Ecological site inductions/ tool box talks to construction personnel
• Advice to construction personnel on protected species and outlining method statements
• Direct searches for protected species and nesting birds in areas prior to work commencement
• Overseeing works to watch for protected species and ensure method statements are carried out effectively
• Site monitoring including fixed point photography
• Advice on watercourse protection from chemical pollutants and sediment run-off
• Detailed reports on all activities to provide thorough site logs
• 24hour on call advice and guidance service